Saturday, December 23, 2006

The thing I like about it is Misteltoe

Lovely advice c/o noman from My Secret Life [wouldn't want it to get buried in the comments]: blow job training seminar - a good gift to give to your loved ones.

And, here's a preview of my tryst with Andy

And, here's my lovely gift to you

And, if you'd like to give a gift to me - take a look at the right side for the Amazon Wishlist.

Merry Happys to all of you!!



Hex said...

'the stepchildren' -- *lol* that's priceless.

Merry Christmas Lola.

Anonymous said...

Hot X 9.

Post-Holiday Well Wishes.

lola said...

Late Merry Merrys to both my boys!! Glad you liked the present/posting.